Legal information about Amankwah Law

Amankwah Law is the commercial name of Jeffrey Amankwah BV
Groenstraat 7/1
3940 Hechtel-Eksel
+32 11 98 79 19
Crossroads Bank of Enterprises number: 0746.631.665
VAT number: BE 0746.631.665

Clients contract with Jeffrey Amankwah BV, a private limited company incorporated under Belgian law. The purpose of the company consists in the provision of legal services and the exercise of the profession of lawyer, legal counsel and legal representative.

Professional rules and registration

Amankwah Law is registered with the Orde van Advocaten bij de Balie Limburg and bound by this organization’s professional rules and codes of conduct.

Client identification and anti-money laundering

Under the Belgian Law of 18 September 2017 on the prevention of money laundering and financing terrorism and on the restriction of cash usage (hereinafter referred to as the AML Law) Amankwah Law has to identify its clients, their representatives, and ultimate beneficiaries (UBOs) as well as to take appropriate measures to assess the characteristics of its clients and the purpose and nature of the business relationship as part of its duty of constant vigilance. Clients will spontaneously provide the information necessary to carry out these identification obligations and to inform Amankwah Law as soon as possible about any relevant changes. In addition, the client will inform Amankwah Law as soon as possible about any change and will submit proof of such change.

If the required information is not provided before or, at the time of entering into a business relationship with Amankwah Law, Amankwah Law reserves the right not to engage with the client and to stop any further provision of services.

The AML Law requires Amankwah Law to – in specific situations – inform the President of the bar as soon as possible once Amankwah Law knows, suspects, or has reasonable grounds to believe that money laundering or terrorist financing funds and/or transactions (or attempts to carry out those transactions) are being used or carried out. The President of the bar, who oversees professional secrecy in the profession, will report any suspicions, if appropriate, to the Financial Information Processing Unit.

These obligations, of course, do not prejudice the professional secrecy that continues to characterize the relationship between the client and his or her attorney.


Amankwah Law aspires to provide clients with the best possible service. Should you for any reason not be satisfied with the services or have any further questions, we would like to hear from you. Any questions, suggestions or complaints can be addressed to